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Negatvie (N)ellie

With the year 2018 completely spread out before us, I am so excited to see where this year will take me. For some reason, I feel like this year is going to be one of my best yet (see, already working on that positive attitude). At the start of a new year, thoughts of resolutions and goals often occur. I have never really been one to set New Year's Resolutions (mostly because I am 83% sure I won’t keep them). However, this year, I have decided to give it a try, and see what happens. (once again, I recommend sticking around for this ride, hilarity is bound to ensue)

Over the years, I have probably participated in at least four billion lessons at church. (Ok, maybe I am exaggerating a little, it has only been three billion 😉). Every lesson has been great, but there are some that really stick out in my mind. There are just some lessons that you tend to cling to in times of trouble, and they stay with you throughout the years. One of the lessons I received at church that has always stuck with me was one about New Year’s Resolutions. (I can remember not being very enthused about this lesson, probably because I am not a fan of change). It was taught by one of the best Young Men’s leaders I have ever seen, during a youth activity. (He is seriously one of the funniest people I have ever met, even if he did tease me relentlessly). That hilarious man completely altered the way I look at change.

It can be so easy to become easily discouraged with resolutions, especially if we cannot meet them without failure. However, that is such a silly way to look at resolutions. All or nothing? We either fail or succeed? No one is perfect, and we are all going to make mistakes as we try to better ourselves. (Trust me, I have “learned” German at least twice now, and one of the only words I can actually remember is Nein. It is a handy one to know). This young men’s leader taught me that Heavenly Father does not expect perfection. Instead, he expects us to try to progress and become a little more like the Savior each day. This Young Men leader taught us two important facts:

1. Heavenly Father is always willing to help us with becoming better.

2. Heavenly Father is happy with any progress we are able to make, even the littlest ones.

For me, recognizing these two facts made change a lot less scary. To know that not only do I have Heavenly Father’s help in each change, but that it doesn’t have to be these dramatic, no failure events. Change can be a slow progression, and still be considered success. The only person we should compare ourselves to is our past selves. Heavenly Father is immensely happy with any change we are making to become more like the Savior. so, instead of making these gigantic, unattainable resolutions, I am going to attempt to reach small milestones, that help me to become a little more like my Savior each day.

My first resolution: Run a Half Marathon

Now, I know what you are thinking:

1. How in the world is that going to help you become more like the Savior?

2. That does not seem like a small goal! (Trust me, coming from a family of runners, that is a significantly small goal)

I know on the surface this resolution does not seem like something that will allow me to change my character. However, I know myself, and I know it will. I do not like to be uncomfortable, I do not like to be in pain, and I do not like to experience trials. Running a Half Marathon is going to contradict all of the above mentioned statements (Is it really “Pain You Enjoy”? or is it a big mistake?) However, I know that as I push my body to brinks that I am not positive it can reach, I will have to learn to deal with trials and discomfort in a new way. For some crazy reason, I chose to accomplish this task, so it should be a lot harder to complain and be negative, right? (I can already hear my mother saying, “Suck it up, Buttercup! You chose this challenge!) I am hoping that this experience will not only help me learn to deal with pain better, but also help me to be a little less dramatic about trials. Hopefully, I will instead learn to focus on how I am changing and growing. The Savior went through so many trials and pains while on this earth, but was never negative. He instead tried to focus on how his trials could benefit others. I don’t think I am at that level yet, but I think I can tackle not complaining so much.

My second resolution: Maintain this blog for a year.

Writing this blog has been one of the scariest things I have ever done, and I am seriously terrified it is going to crash and burn (It hasn’t yet, but we still have about eleven months to go). However, I know I have been prompted from the Lord to write this blog, and I also know he has never led me astray before. I have a feeling this blog is going to gift me with a thicker skin, a less cautious attitude, and an increased faith. (If I am lucky, maybe it will even be a blessing to someone else) Sometimes it is so scary to put all of your trust in the Lord, especially when you cannot see how things will turn out. However, I know as I have followed the answers I have received in the past, I have always been blessed, and have often felt extreme happiness in the end. So, to become more like the Savior, I am going to put my total trust in Heavenly Father, and continue to pursue this task. When the Savior suffered through trials, he never lost faith in Heavenly Father, even when things were super tough. That is a quality I know I want to develop, because unfortunately, trials will always come (Unless you are my dog, Sadie Grace. That lady has it made!)

My third resolution: Physically writing in my journal each night.

I have gotten in the bad habit of keeping a log of my journal entries in my phone, instead of actually writing them in my journal. Usually when I keep notes in my phone of the blessings I have received, it is not until days later that I can actually hand write them in my journal. Now, it is not like that is an extremely bad habit to have, but I know that I get more out of my journal writing when I physically write in it daily. I can remember the promptings, memories, and tender mercies with more clarity. These blessings also tend to stick with me better in the future if I write them down as soon as I can. So, I am going to make sure to physically write in my journal each night, so I can adequately reflect on all of the blessings I have received that day. The Savior was the perfect example of gratefulness, and I want to be more like that. I want to show the Lord how grateful I am for all of the tender mercies he gives me, by treating them with the respect they deserve, and actually writing them down.

So, here are my resolutions for 2018. Although some of them seem a little daunting, I know with the Lord’s help, I can handle them. I also know that they will help me to become a little more like my Savior each and every day. I cannot wait to see what this year brings!

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