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Negatvie (N)ellie

I must warn the reader before this blog even begins, that it may be the most dramaqueenish blog I have ever written. Prepare yourself to laugh at me. Like a lot.

The last few days have been a little bit rough in this household. I have cried a lot more then I care to admit, and over something really silly (like the highest level of silly you can reach). I have felt embarrassed, angry, and heartbroken. However, going through this trivial hiccup has taught me (once again) how many amazing people I have around me that are so supporting and loving. Wonderful friends and family, who take me as I am (and judge only on the inside, not to my face) and help lift me up when I am feeling down. I am so grateful for their kind words, distractions, and contagious positive attitudes over the past few days.

For those of you who don’t know, soccer is one of my passions in life (for proof of that, click here). I loved playing it as a kid and watching our favorite teams has been an activity that has helped bond and unite my family. Almost every week I send the stinker an update of how our teams are doing. So, one could say that I was pretty excited for this month of fußball. I worked weeks on a blog to encompass my love for the sport, and proudly put out my prediction that Germany was going to go all the way again. I did have another dog in the fight this year, though, Iceland (with THIS pale skin, could you doubt that my heritage comes from Germany and Iceland?). Although we were also proudly supporting Iceland, my heart will always reside with Germany. As the weeks grew closer, I got more and more excited, and started scheduling my life around a month of soccer.

So, if you haven’t been keeping up with Iceland and Germany’s separate journeys through the tournament, I’ll give you a quick summary (prepare yourselves for an emotional roller coaster the likes of which you have never seen).

Saturday June 16th, Iceland ties ARGENTINA, and pulls off possibly the greatest penalty save of our lifetime.

Sunday, June 17th, Germany loses to Mexico. I will say no more on the subject.

Friday, June 22 Iceland loses a hard fought battle to Nigeria.

Saturday, June 23, Germany has one of the greatest comebacks I have ever seen in my entire life. I you have not watched that 95th minute set piece wonder, you need to. Your life will never be complete without it.

That brings us to the beginning of this week. Iceland had a game on Tuesday, and Germany had one on Wednesday. Both teams were still alive in the tournament, but had quite a bit of work to do in order to get the job done. However, we had complete confidence in both of our teams. They were going through! I just knew it!

Tuesday night we all settled in our seats, (Almost every day I painstakingly waited for my dad to return from work, so we could all watch the games together. That’s how much I love him. Best. Daughter. Ever.) ready to watch Iceland make their mark and enter the next stage of the tournament. That was one of the most stressful games I have ever seen. It included a true Viking-warrior, taking an elbow to the face, shoving some tissue up his nose and getting right back out there. The masculinity was exuding boatloads out of that man. Unfortunately, Croatia scored early in the second half, and butterflies like no other were smashing into the walls of my stomach. In the 76th minute we (like I am on the team) tied the game up with a penalty kick! This game was not over yet!!! Unfortunately, our dedicated, strong, heartfelt team was unable to advance to the next round. We were all pretty upset, especially because that is seriously one of the most hardworking teams I have ever seen. However, we were grateful that we still had one team left to support. Germany.

Once again, we had to wait until my dad got home from work to start the most pressure filled game of my life (except for the game on July 13th, 2014, nothing can top that one). Whilst sat next to my dog for support, we started the match (once again, acting like I am apart of this team). The first half ended with a draw, and I was feeling pretty confident in our boys. I knew we were going to be able to end this game with the “W”. I had to make an incredibly difficult decision at the half, though. Go to my prescheduled eyebrow appointment, or cancel it and finish this stress-filled game (I know. You are all sitting on the edges of your seats, waiting for the outcome of this tough decision). Ultimately, I chose to put the game off and go get my eyebrows done (who knows when one of those German soccer players might stumble upon Southeastern NM? I gotta look good 😉). After what seemed like the longest thirty minutes of my life, I made it back home, and we finished the game. Unfortunately, the outcome was not the one I had predicted, or wanted. It was so heart-wrenching to see our boys fight so hard, and have everything go downhill in the last few minutes.

To say I was upset, is an understatement. My cold black heart cried. Not a weep or anything, but for sure misty-eyed, which is a lot for me. We had the Switzerland game all set up and ready to watch next, and I just couldn’t do it. Watching another soccer match would only remind me of the pain I had just endured. I moped around the house, trying to figure out how I was going to enjoy the rest of the tournament without either of my teams in in. Don’t worry, it gets worse (#dramaqueenellie). Each Wednesday night the Young Women in our church get together and have an activity, and as Young Women’s leaders, my mom and I both get to go and participate with the girls. I did not know how in the world I was going to slap a smile on my face, and pretend like everything was alright, when my team had just bowed out of the most important tournament ever. To top it all off, I had made black and white cupcakes for the treat that night, that I was going to arrange in the shape of a soccer ball. I was so confident in our win, that I had made a treat to celebrate. As I frosted the cupcakes, they seemed to be mocking me.

Now, I am well aware that I am being the biggest drama queen on the face of the planet. Your favorite teams leaving a tournament is for sure not the end of the world, especially when there will be another tournament to watch in four years. What I went through can never be described as a trial, just a not-so-fun situation. However, this not-fun situation taught me how many incredible people I have that support me and love me.

Right after Germany’s loss, my mom took the time to mope with me for a little bit, because she too felt the sting of our defeat (friends who mope together, stay together). After a while, though, she suggested to me that we play a card game to help get our minds off of our sadness. The distraction of the card game helped to lift my spirits, and prepare me to go and have fun with our sweet Young Women. My dad, who had been looking forward all day to watching soccer games, understood that I needed some time to be sad before we could put on the next game. He didn’t make me feel bad about it, or tell me I was being silly. He told me he was sorry, and waited patiently for me to be ready. When I told my fellow Young Women’s leader of our defeat, she apologized and felt genuinely sorry for me. Finally, the Young Women’s sweet spirits and bursts of laughter helped to distract my mind from my broken heart.

All of these acts of kindness are hilarious to me, because it is just a soccer game. Each one of these people had an obvious right to full on judge me for my silliness. Instead, they showed me their love and support. I am so grateful for the wonderful friends and family that the Lord has placed in my life. I know they were not put there by accident. I am also so grateful for my calling in Young Women’s. Those girls have taught me so much, and can almost always make me laugh. These kind people in my life helped me to put things back in to perspective and gain a positive attitude for the tournament in 2022. This experience truly made me realize how blessed I am. If I have this much love and support surrounding me for this hilarious “obstacle”, imagine how much I will have when an actual trial comes around? I am truly blessed.

P.S. I am so incredibly proud of both the Icelandic and German teams. They left their hearts and souls on that pitch, but unfortunately it just wasn’t either of their years. I can’t wait to see them both competing four years from now.

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