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Negatvie (N)ellie

Y’all, the past few weeks have been doozies! I’m not sure it’s because it is the start of the school year, the start of BYU Football, or the start of Bayern Munich Fußball (ahh, priorities), but every day just seems to be jam packed with craziness. To add to the hectic adventures of the everyday, life has been throwing me some very unpleasant curveballs as of late, and I have been batting zero. In the past few weeks I have:

  1. Broken a vase at work while sweeping (hire me for any of your sweeping needs!).

  2. Managed to make not one, but two washing machines overflow.

  3. Sat through part of what would have for sure been the World’s Best Concert, ever, only to have it canceled due to the ever-present New Mexico wind. Will I ever get to see Def Leppard in concert?

  4. Created what I thought was an incredible object lesson while teaching Young Women’s, only to have absolutely no one get it. (Those poor girls tried so hard to smell what I was stepping in. They get an A for effort!)

  5. Was one spot shy of getting the last Def Leppard and Journey t-shirt from the concert in my size.

Now, being the overtly negative person that I am, these silly hiccups easily began to dampen my spirits. There were for sure tears shed, and I am sad to say that at the age of twenty- two, I had a big ‘ole pouting session after not getting to see Def Leppard. The next morning, as we hit the road to return home from our failed rock session, my dad decided to put on the talk Lessons from Liberty Jail, by  Jeffery R. Holland (it is a really good one! If you would like read it, click here). Seeing as I had my cranky pants on, listening to a talk was about the last thing in the world I wanted to do. At first, I tried to tune out the spiritual words that I knew would uplift my spirts, but I quite quickly realized there was no way I was going to win that battle. Of course, this talk was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment in time. Elder Holland was discussing how even in our darkest times, the Lord can guide us and send us answers to our prayers. Now, the little bumps in the road I have endured lately are definitely not the hardest times of my life. However, it got me to thinking, if I had been looking hard enough, I could have seen how the Lord was trying to talk to me during these difficult times. He is constantly sending us blessings, tender mercies, answers, and rays of sunshine to help guide our way during the rough times. So, to hopefully help get me out of my funk, I have decided to do just that.

Little Victories

  • I have not broken anything else at work!

  • The plumber was able to come and fix the washing machine at work, and I can now do laundry again. Yay! (I had felt so bad that everyone kept having to take the laundry home everyday)

  • The washing machine at our house that was leaking had a simple fix, and I haven’t made any washing machines overflow since.

  • My Young Women’s lesson for the month is over with, and since General Conference is next month, I don’t have to teach again until November!

  • I got to FaceTime with one of my favorite cousins. It was so nice to have a good laugh!

  • After thinking that I was going to be unable to attend my God Daughter’s blessing, the Lord rearranged my schedule, and now I get to go!

  • BYU beat Arizona! (This may actually be a big victory)

  • I got to spend some quality alone time with my dad, even if we didn’t get to see Def Leppard.

  • The concert is supposed to be rescheduled, so I will eventually be able to witness the glory that is Def Leppard live.

  • We have an incredible guard dog, LuLu, who takes her duty of patrolling the yard for the gopher very seriously.

  • I actually got an e-mail from the stinker this week! I am just as shocked as you are!

  • I’ve had many opportunities to do small acts of service, which always puts a smile on my face.

  • I got in an incredible cardio workout learning line dances with the youth. (We are going to kill it at the next dance!)

  • The weather is starting to cool off a little bit. My skin isn’t melting off quite as much in the New Mexico heat.

  • Germany, after the tournament that shall not be spoke of, managed to maintain a tie with France!

It’s crazy how when you go back and look at your tough weeks, you find that there were so many points of happiness, too. The last few weeks have not been the easiest, but they also haven’t been the worst. I know that the Lord has been there the whole time, trying to give me the best life possible, as I stay close to Him. I am so grateful for the tender mercies He gives us every day, that remind us how much He cares. He truly cares about every single one of us. He cares about me missing the concert, and accidently buying a butternut squash when I needed a spaghetti one (#chefellie). He is in the little details of our lives, and when we stand still and take a look, we will be in awe of all of the little victories that He has given us. Life is hard, but as we cling to those tender moments, it make it easier to get through the tough ones.

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