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Negatvie (N)ellie

Seeing as it is the month of my birth, I have decided to give my readers a peek into my incredibly interesting life. (Please contain your excitement). Is this a deep, heartfelt blog that is going to change your life? No, definitely not (although, who knows if any of my other blogs are able to achieve that). However, sometimes it is nice for me to do just a fun, silly blog! Plus, being the intelligent person that I am, I have shared some of my most embarrassing moments below, so you have that to look forward too 😉! I am well aware that most of my readers already know me pretty well (looking at you, mom). However, I am quite the young woman of mystery, so hopefully every reader will be able to find at least one fact they didn’t know about me. So, let’s all celebrate my 23rd birthday by focusing only on me (the way all birthdays should be spent).

  • Ellie is my nickname! My real name is Elisabethe.

  • I have lived on both coasts of the United States.

  • My major has changed four times in my college career (so far).

  • I cried when I got my mission call to Michigan (I was 100% positive it was going to be Germany). This cold, black heart saw many tears flow that night.

  • In high school I competed in cheerleading, cross country, and track and field. My all -time favorite race was the mile. (not the 800, I got dead last when my coach stuck me in that race)

  • I have a very impressive ball cap collection, because I hate to do my hair.

  • I will forever be a DC girl (#iwasalwaysrobin)

  • Slouching is far and away my worst habit.

  • While participating in a service group called LENK, I (and all of the other participants) received an award from the Governor of New Mexico.

  • My favorite place I have lived was Pennsylvania, although I am sure if I moved back now, the migraine levels would be very high.

  • My favorite musical is Mamma Mia. I have listened to ABBA since I was a kid, and I love how happy their music makes you feel.

  • I am what one might call “indoorsy”. Like very indoorsy (imagine having to slather on pounds of sunscreen every time you wanted to be outdoorsy! You would be just as indoorsy as I am!).

  • One of my biggest dreams is to attend a German National Team game in Germany.

  • I am completely and utterly terrified of bugs (I made the stinker kill him when he was around). However, I used to collect them as a kid.

  • If it could travel back in time and attend any concert, it would have to be either The Beatles or The Beach Boys in their early days.

  • I have only ever been on two dates.

  • If I could be any animal, I would want to be a dog. Not just any dog, one of our family’s dogs. Those ladies have it made.

  • I absolutely hate feet. I barely tolerate my own. #sneakersfordays

  • I rarely ever wear makeup. It’d be really cool if I was trying to make a statement with it, but I’m not. I just like the freedom of being able to scratch my face whenever I want.

  • My favorite color is red. (As a BYU fan, that may or may not be a sin).

  • My favorite Def Leppard song is “Promises”.

  • My car in high school was nicknamed “The BYU Mobile” 😊

  • All my life I wanted to live in Utah. After living there for a year, I think I’ll stick to New Mexico 😊

I don’t know if that was interesting for anyone besides my mom (she likes all of my blogs. #biggestfan). Let me know if there were any facts you didn’t know, or if there is a fact that you would like to hear more of the story behind (I don’t think any of them are that interesting, but what do I know? 😉).

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