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Negatvie (N)ellie

A couple of weeks ago, I hit a major brick wall with social media. Although social media is a great way to connect with friends and family who don’t live nearby, it can sometimes be incredibly overwhelming. There was something in particular I was feeling a little discouraged about this past week, (I may have said something a little embarrassing online. Maybe.) and I just could not shake my sad feelings. So, I went to my go to remedy for hard times: prayer, talks with mom, and a run. I woke up and, completed Step 1, and then went and sat on the couch to proceed with Step 2 (don’t you worry, I later completed Step 3, and any lingering anger was washed away). I sat discussing (and maybe crying) about the feelings I was having with my mom (literally everyday I am reminded that the Lord knew what he was doing when He gave me her), and all of a sudden, an answer to my prayer arrived. “Take a break from social media”.

Now, I am well aware that just a few weeks ago, President Nelson, the prophet himself, had prayerfully guided everyone to take a break from social media. At the time, I felt that I needed to continue to participate in social media, seeing as I had a very important blog to run 😉. (apparently, I had decided that I knew more than the prophet of the Lord did. Could there be a more obvious wrong move?) I think the lesson here is that when the Prophet suggests you do something, it’s probably wise to do it, because the Lord is just going to ask you to do it later anyway 😊. Having been thoroughly humbled, I decided a break from social media was just what I needed. After a week of being social media free, here is what I have learned:

1. It is really not that hard!

Sad, I know, but I was a little worried about actually being able to accomplish this task. When I finish all of my assignments at work, what am I going to do?? Just sit there and think? I have tried that before, and you would not believe the worry spirals my brain goes into. However, with faith in the answer I had received, I followed through with my commitment, and was amazed by what occurred. My mind was somehow freer (I do believe that is not a word), and more light. My fears of constantly worrying and overthinking things were for naught. My mind and body felt more relaxed than ever as I left my phone in my purse, and just was. It has encouraged me to be apart from my phone a lot more.

2. All the tender mercies.

I was so incredibly shocked to see how blessed I was each and every day (Obviously, I am a very observant human being). The Lord truly knows the exact situations each and every one of us are going through, and exactly what we need. From kind words, to laughter, to hugs (even if I am terrible at them), and dog cuddles, my week was filled with such sweet moments. I know that I would not have enjoyed these moments near as much, had I been constantly worried about what was going on in the world of social media. The sweet moment that sticks out to me the most is a wonderful text I got from Grandma J. As I explained some of my discouraged feelings to her, she reminded me through her kind words of praise and encouragement, that I am oh so loved. Thanks, Grandma J. Your words made me cry, and lifted my spirits.

3. So flippin’ productive.

I was shocked at the amount of work I was able to get done without my phone glued to my hand. I’ve always thought I was a pretty productive, organized person, but this week showed me how much more I could get done when I am actually in the world. I was able to complete my tasks at work with better efficiency and effectiveness, not be crunched or stressed when doing my homework, and have some much needed, in depth conversations with my mom. Instead coming home to just slump on the couch (although, if we are being real, I did do a lot of that, too), I had the energy and endurance to complete extra tasks. Next time I have a big project to complete, I am going to remember to leave my phone in the other room.

4. I was in a better mood.

I am, and forever will be, the Queen of Negativity (#reigningchamp). However, in the short week that I was not on social media, I was in such a better mood, and was honestly shocked by how much social media had affected that mood. I cared less about what others thought, and this led to a lot of increased happiness (I mean, sort of. I am Negative (N)ellie, and nothing will ever change that completely). It felt like I was able to escape the world for just a short time, and really enjoy the simple, happy moments I have in my life. I found my self able to be more patient and understanding with my sweet adopted sisters (which is rare, just ask them), and my crazy dogs (I’ve never met a dog who cries when they are left alone in the kitchen. #sadiegrace). I am so grateful for the opportunity to step back, and really just enjoy the wonderful blessings I have in my life.

So, thank you, President Nelson, for guiding me towards this much needed lesson (Sorry I was super late to the game). I am so grateful that we not only have a prophet of the Lord on the earth today, who leads us and guides us towards Christ, but also a Heavenly Father who hears and answers our prayers. He knew exactly what I needed in my moment of discouragement, and I am forever grateful for the lessons I have learned. This week has encouraged me to implement more social media fasts into my everyday life, and I cannot wait to see what new lessons I learn from these moments of peace.

P.S. Despite what my Grandpa says, I am really not online that much 😉

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