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Negatvie (N)ellie

It is so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is already almost here! With Germany’s losses this summer, starting a new job, and maintaining my world-renowned blog 😉, this year has just flown by. Amidst the slight drop in the temperature, and the purchasing of dog sweaters, I am having all of the fall feels, which includes an overwhelming wave of gratitude. About this time last year, I was still in complete denial about actually having to share my deepest, darkest feelings with the “world”.  (if you would like to read about that specific denial process, click here). Writing this blog has been one of the scariest leaps I have ever made, but it has also been one of the most fun experiences of my life. None of this would have been possible without all of you! (well, I guess technically it would have, but it would not have been near as fun to just write a blog for me. I kind of already know what is going on in my life 😉) So, with all of this gratitude swirling around the air, I feel you guys deserve a thank you for all you have done.

Mamma Mia

Girl, there about four million things I need to thank you for each and every day, but I gotta make this blog at least a somewhat reasonable length. A year ago, I sat on the couch and wrote my first blog. I knew the moment I finished writing it who I wanted as my first audience member. You! I don’t think I have ever been more excited or nervous as you sat down to read, I’VE NEVER BEEN KISSED. I can never repay you for the kind words of encouragement you gave me, I know without them I would never have been brave enough to post my problems for the world to see. So, Mamma Mia, thank you. Thank you for always being honest with me, so I can be sure you are not reading my blog with rose-colored glasses. Thank you for reading each of my blogs at least three times, to ensure that we have taken care of all spelling errors. Thank you for supporting me in this scary adventure and helping me to realize that the number of reads doesn’t really matter, as long as enjoy what I am doing. I could never do this without you!


Thanks for reading my blogs, Daddy-o. I am well aware that you don’t really understand what the heck I am doing (as you can see, I don’t really know what I am doing, either), but you still support me in this journey, and for that I am truly grateful. I am hopeful that someday the point of this journey will become clearer to both of us, but I wouldn’t hold my breath 😉. However, your kind words are, and will always be appreciated. Also, thank you for the challenge you give me by not getting my sense of humor. One day, I will make you crack!

Grandpa J

Grandpa J, you were honestly the person I was most worried about sharing my blogs with. You have that wonderful blessing of always being honest, and I was worried about what that blessing might bring me (tears may or may not have been the first blessing that came to mind😉). However, my fear was in vain. You have been one of the biggest supporters of my blogging journey, and I cannot even begin to tell you how much that has meant to me. Knowing that you like my blogs makes me believe that maybe they really aren’t half bad! Thank you so much for your sincere, encouraging words.

P.S. Thank you for getting on to mom about always forgetting to send my new blog posts. It makes me laugh every time!

The Grandmas

I could not leave you sweet ladies out in my marathon of thank yous! You guys have been so encouraging over the past year, and it has definitely gotten me through some of my rough patches. Thank you, for reminding me of my worth when I was feeling really down. You do not know how much I needed it that day. Thank you, for giving me feedback on what I have written, and telling me how it relates to you and your life. It is nice to see that my blogs have some practical impacts 😉. Thank you, for reading the blogs, loving me, and supporting me. Love you!  

Everyone Else

I could not forget you guys. As much as I am forever grateful for my family members support, you always kind of worry that they are just saying nice things because they love you (except for Grandpa J. You know he will tell you the truth BECAUSE he loves you 😉). However, when someone who is not related to me compliments me on my writing, it really makes me feel like my blogs aren’t piles of garbage. So, thank you!

Thank you to the sweet ladies at church (you know who you are!), who read the blogs, have sometimes been featured in the blogs, and share the blogs with those around you. You have no idea how much that means to me, I legitimately almost cry every time (so thank you, and kind of not thank you). To my sweet friends, thank you for reading the blogs, commenting on the blogs, letting me write about you, contributing to the blog, and making me feel like my voice is somewhat current. Connecting with all of you makes me feel a lot less alone in my problems. To my missionary friends who asked to read my blogs via e-mail, thank you! (looking at you, Mr. Stinker)Serving the Lord is pretty much the most important task ever, and yet you took the time to read my silly blog about being negative. You guys are awesome! However, I take your sweet words with a grain of salt, because you are on a mission and have to be nice. However, your words are still appreciated! 

So, basically, if you have ever read any of my blogs (or even a part of one of my blogs), I am SOOOOOOO grateful for you. This year has been such an incredible journey. It has taught me so much about myself, given me many opportunities to grow, and shown me how many incredibly supportive people I have around me. I hope I was able to convey how much you all mean to me! I know I joke around a lot, but I seriously could never have survived this long without you guys. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 

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