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Negatvie (N)ellie

In October of 2018, our beloved Prophet challenged us to complete a few specific, inspired tasks. One of the included tasks was to finish the entire Book of Mormon by the end of the year. Despite learning just a month earlier the importance of heeding the Prophet’s words, (if you would like to read about that learning experience, click here) I knew at the exact moment that challenge was issued, that there was no way I was going to complete it. I was already almost halfway through the Book of Mormon, and I really didn’t want to have to start it all over again. I figured just finishing from where I was would be good enough. The Lord is always grateful for the efforts we are able to give, and at that moment, I was for sure that just managing to finish it was all that I could handle. (I am sure you all can see where this is going, but let’s continue on the journey anyway. Shall we? 😉)

Fast forward to December 11th, 2018. I had gotten up early the day before to take a final, and I was already looking forward to all of the mornings I was going to be able to sleep in. As one can probably guess, I had not made much progress in my Book of Mormon Challenge, but I was confident that the Lord would accept the efforts I was putting in. And he totally would have, had I been giving my best efforts. However, He and I both knew the efforts I was producing were mediocre at best. So, He decided to give me a loving push, and that is what started my Real Book of Mormon Challenge.

The morning of the 11th, I woke up with an unwavering desire to complete The Book of Mormon by the end of the year, which was in less than a month. I seriously have no idea where that desire came from, because as we all know, Negative (N)ellie is not very ambitious. It didn’t even enter my mind that the task I was deciding to complete was monumental. I was completely happy, as I planned out how I was going to be able to finish the incredible book before the new year (red flag right there. The positivity is an obvious sign that it was the Spirit guiding me, and not my own mind, to finish the challenge). That is, until I started reading, and realized how much work I had to do. However, as I have learned many times before, when the Lord asks us to do something, He is always there to help us complete the task.

So, despite my procrastination, and with a bunch of help from the Lord, I finished the Book of Mormon in TEN days. I know that is not a huge accomplishment to some people, but to the Not-Ambitious (N)ellie (new alias?) that is one heck of a success. I went into this challenge knowing it was going to have a profound impact on my life, but I did not realize just how much. It wasn’t just a challenge that I could check off of a list and feel good about completing. I could actively see the effect it was having in my life, and let me tell you, that was an incredible sight to see. Here are some of the effects that the Book of Mormon Challenge had on my life.

1. I had a better understanding of what I was reading.

As I tore through the Book of Mormon, I began to worry that I wasn’t going to get as much out of it, because I had waited so late to start. However, the Lord blessed me with such an incredible understanding as I read that beautiful book of scripture. We all know that scriptures can sometimes be a little confusing and hard to decipher, but I was gifted with this amazing ability to better understand those sometimes-difficult passages. It wasn’t like I was just gritting my teeth and getting through them, (which I have sometimes been known to do) but I was actually following what they were saying (once again, big accomplishment for me, small accomplishment for others). I know that had I taken the time to start this challenge back in October, I would have gotten so much more out of it. However, I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father, who accepted my new efforts, and helped me along the way.

2. I found comfort from the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon has always been a source of comfort in my life. When I was at BYU, and when I was serving the people of Michigan, reading those inspiring words always brought me feelings of warmth and home. This time, however, was different. At some point during those ten days, I got some pretty upsetting news while I was at work (and by upsetting news, I mean hold in the tears until you get to the car, kind of news). I attempted to sweep and keep busy, to help distract my mind, but it didn’t’ work all that well. Then, suddenly, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to read my scriptures. Now, that is not a feeling I have ever had when I am feeling down. I always know that turning to my scriptures would probably be the best help, but I never want to do that. This time, I wanted to read my scriptures. I wanted to get lost in their pages and let them bring me the comfort I desired. That my friends, is a game changer.

3. I felt the Spirit’s presence more

I have felt the Spirit’s presence with me many times in my life, leading me, guiding me, and keeping me safe. However, in the ten days that I read the Book of Mormon, I noticed the little promptings from the Spirit a lot more. Not only did I notice them more, I was more courageous in following through with them. I had more courage to share the Gospel, be quick to apologize, change the radio station, or alter my plans to fit the Lord's. I had so many wonderful experiences during those ten days, and I know it was because I was better at following the Spirit’s promptings.

4. All of the Miracles

It can be hard to imagine that so many miracles would occur in the space of ten days, but I am here to tell you that about four million did. Simple, little problems in my day to day life worked themselves out. A situation I had been stressing out about for months came to an easy fix, after a sweet prompting from the Spirit to face it head on. I was evenly physically protected by the hand of the Lord, as I drove to a YSA activity. Even though it might not make sense to some, I know that these miracles are forever connected to my Book of Mormon Challenge. They just are. These miracles, even the smallest of them, are near and dear to my heart, and I am forever grateful to the Book of Mormon Challenge for them.

5. My testimony of the Book of Mormon was strengthened, again.

I had already read and gained a testimony for myself about the Book of Mormon, (if you’d like to read about that experience, click here) but reading through it again, added to that testimony. With all of my heart, I know the Book of Mormon is true. It truly testifies of the wonderful gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and brings us closer to Him. How do I know this? Because it did just that for me. Reading the Book of Mormon each and every day made me want to be a better person, it made me want to be more like Christ. It made me want to repent, and grow, and change, to become the most like Him I could possibly be. It humbled me, and reminded me how grateful I should be for the great sacrifice He made for us. He truly is our Savior. Reading the Book of Mormon, I know made me feel closer to Him, and I hope that it continues to make me more like Him. The Book of Mormon is one of the biggest blessings in my life, and the Book of Mormon Challenge has reminded me of just that.

So, once again, I am here to say, that following the words of the Prophet is a good idea (shocking, I know). I am so grateful that we have a Prophet on the earth today, who truly helps to bring us closer to our Heavenly Father. I truly needed that Book of Mormon Challenge. Reading those verses helped me to remember the reason for the season, and strengthened my testimony, once again, about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I hope in the future to be more on top of the Prophet’s challenges (we’ll see how that goes 😉), and better able to recognize the amazing impacts the Book of Mormon has on my life.

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