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Negatvie (N)ellie

We’ve all got ‘em, right? Whether it is a childhood hero, a scripture giant, or a career mentor, everyone has some type of role model. There are certain people who come in and out of our lives, who inspire us to be better. We take qualities that we admire about their character and try to work them into ours, hoping to become just a little more like them.  Helen Keller, Batman, and my ancestors who crossed the plains, those were some of my role models as a child. You know who I am sad to admit was not one of my role models? My mom. (Now, I know what you are thinking, this is a horrible thing to admit right before Mother’s Day! However, I think if I frame it right, I can make it work. So, just trust me for a minute, and please keep reading, especially you, Mamma Mia!)

Yup, terrible daughter right over here! Now, let’s get one thing straight. I LOVED my mom (and still do) and respected her and all she did a ton. However, I just thought that our personalities were too different, and that the awesome qualities she had would not morph well into my personality. (and vice versa!) I have always been a by the book, rigid, stress-filled, follow the rules to a fault kind of person. My sweet mom is a carefree, procrastinating, fun seeking, lover of weird detective shows kind of person. See, kind of polar opposites! I just could not see how I could adopt some of her qualities, when they seemed to go against everything that made me, me. (wrong, as usual.)

Well, after growing up quite a bit over the past few years, I have made a shocking discovery. I have slowly but surely become a less nice version of my mother. (Like, if my mom is Mamma Mia 2.0, I am for sure Mamma Mia -4.0) I talk like her, I have a similar sense of humor as her, she sucked me into the tv shows she likes, she even got me liking Cinnamon Bears, a candy I have hated since childhood. Instead of all of her amazing traits clashing with mine, I realized that they were exactly what I needed. I needed to be more carefree and learn not to sweat the small stuff so much. I needed to have a more serving heart, because it truly would make me more happy in the end. I needed to recognize the inevitable, that detective tv shows were going to become some of my favorites. I needed to become more like my mom, because it would help to make me the best version of me. Becoming more like my mother did not squash the qualities that made me, me. It actually refined and bettered those qualities and helped me to find a better balance in life.

Mamma Mia, the Lord knew what he was doing when He gave me you. He knew I would need someone to balance out my super rigid personality and learn to have a little more fun in life. Thank you, for teaching me to look for the positive. I know I am not on your pro level yet, but I am aspiring to get there, because I know it will make me happier. Thank you, for showing me how happy a serving heart can make you. I don’t know if I will ever be able to be the treat lady at church, but I will try my best to always help others to the best of my ability, because of you. Thank you, for showing me what a true testimony of Christ looks like. I know you hate it when you cry as you bear your testimony of the Savior, but those tender moments truly changed my life. They gave me a great example of what type of relationship I wanted to have with my Savior. I always knew you knew Him, and it made me want to know Him more.

You have truly become one of my top role models. You are one of the kindest, funniest, most spiritual people I know, and I hope that I continue to grow more like you each and every day. You light up our home, Mamma Mia, and the dogs will always love you more than they love me. Thank you for all you do for us, thank you for your great example, and thank you for shaping me into a better version of myself. You saw the good qualities I possessed, and helped to make them great, as only a mother can. I hope we are able to convey to you, this Mother’s Day, how truly special you are, and how much we all immensely need you in our lives. We love you lots! Eat all of the chips and salsa you want this weekend, you deserve it!

See guys! I turned it around 😉

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