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Negatvie (N)ellie

This morning, as I attempted to think of a topic that had the perfect amounts of both wit and heartfulness, an experience I had last week continually ran through my mind. Irritated, I attempted to focus my brain on picking a different topic, because I had already dismissed my experience as a potential candidate. It was too boring, yet to complex of a story to share, and even though it meant a lot to me, I wasn’t sure it would have a similar impact on my readers(all six of them 😉). However, the experience continued to run circles in my mind, and with literally no other ideas, I had to admit defeat. I was going to have to share another migraine story. Now, I am going to get everything out in the open now, so I cannot be blamed for the potential waste of your next five minutes. This is not the most exciting blog I have ever written, and the story is a little all over the place. However, the experience I had last week was such a testimony builder to me of how much the Lord cares for all of us, and the little, everyday things in our lives. I am so grateful for the tender mercies He sends us, especially the ones I received last Thursday and Friday.

So, let’s set the stage, shall we? (maybe if we describe it in those terms, it will appear more theatrical and entertaining!)

July 11th, 2019: My Bathroom

Staring at myself in the mirror, I quickly became quite irritated with my current predicament. ‘Twas the day before hair-washing day, and I was desperately searching for a cute up-do that would cover up the grossness. As I felt my dear friend Mr. Migraine approaching, I realized my options were quite limited, and as is my go-to, quickly admitted defeat by throwing my hair in some braids. After opting for a no-make up, comfy day, I headed to the medicine cabinet to attempt to kick Mr. Migraine before he signed the lease.

Same Day: Work

Suddenly, a loud crack of thunder is heard as I am rinsing color out of the bowls. It suddenly becomes clear as to why my head is in its current state. My precaution to take some medicine is confirmed as a good idea, and I begin to hope that after the storm breaks, I will be able to kick out my current tenant.

Later, after several attempts at trying to make the dog hold it (of course she decides the minute it starts pouring that she HAS to go outside), I decide to brave the outdoors, and let her relieve herself. As I step outside, I see that the rain has stopped, and I begin to feel confident that I will soon be released from the hold of my migraine (rookie mistake).

Same Day: Work, But Later

The end of the day cannot seem to come soon enough. My head is pounding, and I am just sitting in a chair, attempting to distract myself from the pain. Now, I need to make this very clear, had I told my boss about my horrible migraine, she would have for sure let me go home (she was actually a little upset when she found out I didn’t tell her). However, I have a feeling Mr. Migraine is going to be in my life for a very long time, and that means I need to learn to deal with him. I can’t skip out on work, life, and responsibilities every time I get a migraine. I need to learn to buck up, push through, and discover what I can handle, and not let migraines run my life. Plus, it was almost the end of the day, and I was for sure I could make it.

Things did begin to get pretty bad, though, and my resolve began to falter. As I sat slumped in my chair, I began to pray for a miracle. I pleaded with my Father in Heaven, that if there was anyway my boss could pay me early, He could make it happen. That way, after I had completed all of my tasks, I could go home and attempt to sleep this off, before I had to get up and take the youth to Church Camp the next day. Feeling pretty doubtful, I began gearing myself up to be there as long as was necessary. Within minutes, my boss paid me. My silent prayer had been answered, and I was able to quickly get my tasks done and come home to prepare for the next day.

July 12th, 2019: Way Too Early In The Morning

I awoke and realized that Mr. Migraine had not completely vacated the premises yet, and that terrified me. Today, I was going to have to travel with a bus full of youth for three hours, keep track of the six youth I was responsible for, and then dance the night away. After the previous day’s experiences, I knew I needed more help than just the medicine could give me. Once again, I began to plead with my Heavenly Father, begging Him to release me from Mr. Migraine. To help the Lord in anyway I possibly could, I pulled all of my Migraine Fighting Tactics out of my tool belt. I took medicine like it was candy, I wore sunglasses, I packed snacks, I wore my hair down, and I prayed a lot.

Same Day: Laying in Bed

As I laid in bed, I began to reflect on the crazy, busy day that had just been completed. Despite all of the incredible odds that were against me, I did not get a migraine. Mr. Light Headache was for sure my best friend all day, but he I could handle. I was able to keep track of my youth, participate in arts and crafts, hear a beautiful devotional, dance like no one was watching, and have a great time with my sweet girls. I could not have been more grateful to my Father in Heaven, for the amazing gift He had given me. As the youth in the room above me apparently practiced their parkour skills, I drifted off to sleep.

So, there is my migraine experience for the week. Were you bored to tears? (I tried my best to really liven it up, but I’m not sure it really came through.) Even though this was such an insignificant, un-life-altering event, to me, it was kind of the opposite. I felt the love my Savior and Heavenly Father have for me so many times in those two short days. They knew how important it was to me, that I stay at work, and really be present when I was with my sweet girls. As I did everything in my power to make those two days successful, They made up the difference. Getting paid early, and not getting a full-on migraine, though little things in my day to day life, showed me how invested They are in the everyday, little moments. They truly are in every single detail of our lives. You cannot go through a day without seeing Their hands in it, and as you do, you too will be in awe of what They have done. It may even cause you to see an ordinary moment as extraordinary.

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