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Negatvie (N)ellie

Have you ever had a day, where it seems like nothing can go right? One of those days where you try everything turn things around, and it seems like every power in the universe is against you? Those days where calling it quits, heading home, getting into your pajamas, and eating a pint of ice cream seems like the best course of action? A few weeks ago, I was having one of those days. Apparently, this was a day I really wanted to commit to my namesake, because I was really letting the day get to me. I labeled the day as a bad one, and was throwing in the towel, when the Lord taught me an important lesson. Honestly, this was a lesson I truly believed I would never be able to learn.

Now, we can’t just jump straight into the lesson, right? I mean, obviously you all want to hear about my horrible day, in great detail 😉. Well, only because you asked, here it is, my bad day:

I awoke, relieved, because it was the first morning that I did not have to teach Early Morning Bible Study. (With that great of a start, how could I not have a good day?) With nothing planned for the morning hours except a much-needed run, I eagerly anticipated my time to veg on the couch and relax. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. I got started on my run late, and before I knew it, the morning had slipped away from me, without so much as a hint of relaxation. Irritated I had twiddled away my free morning, I trudged to my room, hoping my fashion choices for the day would be quick and painless.

What is the exact opposite of quick and painless? Ahh, yes. Long and excruciating. That is how my fashion choices went that morning. Every single outfit I tried on looked terrible! (I mean, I know I don’t have a ton of fashion sense, but it was as if I had lost every single ounce of style in my body) As the little time I had left raced by, my fashion choices grew worse and worse. Finally, I admitted defeat, settled on what might be considered a mediocre outfit (judging by the fact that I can’t remember what it was now, I’d say that is a pretty solid description) and decided to move on to taming the mess I *sometimes* call hair. 

Well, as one might guess from the previous events, that course of action also did not go as planned. An hour later, I was scarfing down my food, screaming at the dogs to hurry up and go outside to pee, and rushing to my car, hoping I wouldn’t be late for work. 

The one saving grace of the day was that I was, indeed, not late. However, the relief I had just felt quickly faded, as I walked into a chaotic work day. Running around like a chicken with my head cut off, the day flew by! As I walked to my car to run one last errand for my boss, I couldn’t help but dream of the moment when I would be able to go home. One would think a quick trip to the pharmacy three blocks away would be a task that even I couldn't mess, but alas, I managed to have a few mishaps along the way.  As I waited in line at the pharmacy, the day began to catch up with me, and my only focus was on keeping my tears in check. As my phone began to vibrate in my hand, I hoped and prayed it was my mom on the other line, because I really needed a mom chat right then. Unfortunately, ‘twas not mom. ‘Twas a  good friend, whose head I proceeded to rip off as I answered the phone.

As I pulled back up to the salon, I was feeling pretty down about things. The day had stared out so hopeful! What had happened? I had wasted my day, messed up the easiest of tasks, and been mean to my friend. All I wanted to do, was go home and drown my sorrows in chocolate. Unfortunately, I don’t think my boss would have felt like that was an adequate reason to go home, so I stayed. Holding back tears, I began to go about my chores, when my boss asked me to shampoo a client. Ahh, just about the last thing I wanted to do. What if the running water egged my tears on?  Well, who would’ve known, it was just what I needed? The Lord, that’s who! As I shampooed my sweet client, joked with her daughter, helped someone find something, and caught up with a friend, all of my worries seemed to wash away (maybe down the drain of the shampoo bowl 😉). I forgot about the stresses and craziness of the day, and instead was able to focus my attention on those around me. I was overcome by the immediate results of serving others, and at the peace I felt.

My entire life, I have heard others talk of how serving others brings us the most joy, and I thought that was a bunch of bologna. To me, it seemed like it would be too much effort to focus on the needs of others, when I was dealing with my own problems. In my mind, there was no way that advice had any logic to it. I didn’t trust it, so I never tested it out, thinking I already knew the results. Well, as always, the Lord had great plans for me, and used my terrible day to teach me a much-needed lesson. As He forced me to serve others and let go of my problems, that is exactly what I did. My worries faded into the background as I focused on those around me. Sure, they were still there, but my attitude on them became more realistic. I realized they were minute, fixable, and forgettable.

Now, because I am trying to grow and be a better person (a slightly less Negative (N)ellie) I decided to make sure this major milestone was not a one time thing. Since that fateful, awful, amazing day, I have really tried hard to use the lesson the Lord taught me in my everyday life. When I am feeling down, or my hair won’t cooperate, or I have to chase Sadie Grace all around the yard to get her to come inside, instead of wallowing, I look for an opportunity to serve. Big or little, for an hour or for five minutes, I look for something I can do to help others. Without fail, it always turns my mood around. I am able to refocus, change my attitude, and do something for someone else. It’s a win, win, win! I am so grateful for this lesson the Lord taught me, even if it did not come by the most desirable of circumstances. This is a lesson I thought I would never learn, and I owe it all to a bad day.

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