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Negatvie (N)ellie

A couple of weeks ago, on a foggy Saturday morning, I woke up way earlier than anyone ever should, packed my car full of teenage girls, and set out on a three-hour trip to the temple. As we navigated through mist-filled construction zones, I was surprised to discover that the girls did not seem near as tired as their “chipper” leader. Instead of dosing off and allowing me to jam eighties music to my heart’s content (if you want my in-depth road trip playlist, click here), the girls decided that the wee hours of the morning was the perfect time to play one of those “Predict Your Future Games”. Although I was not exactly thrilled to be playing matchmaker so early in the morning, it was so much fun to hear the crazy ideas the girls came up with as they decided each other’s fates. The phrase “flying card board box for transportation” came up quite a few times, and in games past, many people were to be paid in “as many donuts as they could eat in a day”.

Memories of that morning bring me so much joy and laughter, and the determination the girls had in getting me my German Soccer Player husband truly makes my heart melt. However, as I was thinking over that morning in my mind, trying to remember some more of their silly answers, I began to wonder what my real answers were to these “Predict My Future” Questions. What cards to I really want my future to hold? So, because it is 6:23 on Thursday morning, and I am reaaaaallllllyyyyy scraping the bottom of my Blog Topic Barrel, here are my true answers to the “Predict My Future” Game:

  • What type of house would I like to live in?

I feel like the most typical answer to this question would be a big mansion, with a giant pool, a bowling alley, a personal chef, ya know, all the works! However, the first thought that always pops into my mind when I think of giant mansions is, “Who is going to clean all that house?”. So, in case you were wondering, no I do not see a mansion in my future. A typical, cozy, family home seems perfect to me. I love that in our home, it occasionally feels like my family and I are literally living on top of each other. Personally, I feel we owe our strong bonds to those tight quarters. My family are the people I know I can turn to in my hardest of times, because they have seen me at my worst, and still love me. It wouldn’t be that way if had to search through my maze of a house anytime I needed them. Instead, I can shout at my brother to turn his tv down from the comfort of my own bed.

  • Who do I want to marry?

What a loaded question! I mean, any member of the German Soccer Team is obviously in the running, although I do have my favorites 😉. Honestly, marriage is not exactly on the forefront of my brain right now. I am pretty content with the single life (#spinsterandproud). Don’t worry, though, if anyone happens to pop up who makes me change my answer in this category, y’all will be the first to know. Until then, let’s stick with any member of the German Soccer Team, ya know, keep my options open 😉

  • How many children do I want?

What is with all of the loaded questions? My kneejerk response to this question is no children, just a hoard of dogs (spinster + dogs. Now that is a good combo). When I take the time to really ponder the question, though, my answer is different, and contains more humans. I do know, deep down in my cold, black heart, that at some future, far off point, children will bring me tons of joy and fulfillment. However, that does not mean I want like a bajillion of them. Those closest to me know that sticking me in a locked classroom full of children is the best possible way to get me to reveal all of my secrets 😉 So, with that picturesque image in our minds, everyone can understand my choice of three future offspring. A little bit bigger than my family, but not too many that I feel I cannot handle it. Three kids and four million dogs? Sounds good to me. (Mamma Mia, this comment is for you. The number will NEVER be eight. ‘Mkay?)

  • What is my dream job?

Well, I am happy to report that I finally have an answer to this question! (if you haven’t read about my latest epiphany, click here). I finally have a goal date for when I plan to go to Cosmetology School, and it feels soooooo good! Although I am interested in all of the different aspects of cosmetology, I will admit that hairstyling is the one that really tends to get my creative juices flowing. I love the process of mastering a new, difficult braid. I cannot describe the sense of accomplishment learning a new skill brings me, it is just one of my favorite things to do! So, if I had to pick a dream job, it would probably be a hairstylist for a television show. Like one of those medieval ones, where they have way too many braids to count for one hairstyle? Those are the looks I would love to help create. Plus, imagine how amazing my arms would look.

  • How do I want to die?

Who knew a children’s game had so many intense, get-ya-thinking questions? I feel like my answer to this question is similar to the majority of humans: In my old age, in my sleep. However, as I pondered this question, I began to see that it could be framed in another way. Instead of “In what way do I want to die?” it could be framed more as “Who do I want to be when I die?”. Now that one is a thinker! When I die, I want people to know that I had a testimony of my Savior and Heavenly Father, and that I tried everyday to become a little more like Them. I want to be known as someone who knew how to have fun! (a quality I REALLY need to work on) I want to be someone you could rely on in hard times, who had a giving heart. Someone who made others feel how much they were loved by their Savior and Heavenly Father. So basically, I want to make sure that at the end of my life, I am a lot like my mom. It is a lofty goal, but I know I will become a better person as I try to shoot for it.

Who would’ve thought answering questions to a children’s game would bring me some much-needed perspective? Honestly, after grasping at straws, not sleeping, and lots of stress, this blog topic was a last-minute Hail Mary to get the job done. However, it was actually something I really needed to write. As I pondered these questions that seemed so silly that foggy morning, I began to remember what is truly important in this life. Recognizing how blessed I am to have the family I do, and the knowledge of my Savior and Heavenly Father brought me so much peace. It helped me to step out of my crazy, stress filled week, and remember that not only do I have it pretty dang good, but that my future is also lookin’ nice and bright.

So, to my sweet young women: Thank you! Thank you for making me play that ridiculous game in the car. Not only did it make that three hour car drive go a lot faster, but it also brought me the peace I have been searching for this week. Who would have thought a game of “Predict Your Future” would have been a sought-after answer to my unspoken prayer?

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