2024 WHO'S WHO
Updated: Jan 5
Another year gone by, another year full of wonderful reads. As always, books have been my constant companion in the past three hundred and sixty-five days. Through hard times, through good times, through neutral times, books never once let me down.
As always, I have a hard time picking which books were my favorite of the year. My mom often tries to whittle the answer out of me, but I consistently disappoint her. I couldn't possibly choose. It is a feat to grand for me to bear. Each book truly means something to me, has something special to it, carries a specific piece of me.
So, rather than try to do the impossible, I've decided to do a "Who's Who" for my end of year recommendation list. Kind of like what they do in the yearbook, but for novels. The title awarded to each book or series will help you in your own selection, gifting you a glimpse into what you are getting yourself into by turning that very first page.
Consistently, I am in awe and gratitude of the authors that work so hard to make such magical worlds for us to escape into. You are some of my favorite heroes. And to the future readers, trust me that you will not regret it, not one iota, for picking up any of these books.
The One That Broke Me
Better to just rip that bandage off, right? One Foggy Christmas by Kortney Keisel nearly did me in, you guys. The love story of a couple reuniting after a bout of amnesia? Oh, it is not for the faint of heart. But it is so, so worth it. Like life, the ending makes the difficult road all the more sweet.
Was I desperate for that happy ending to hurry up and get here? Yes, yes I was. But the reward for my efforts really was pure Christmas magic. If you're in the mood to cry, both sad and happy tears, this is the one for you.
The One That Made Me LOL
Now that we've got that over with, let's move on to something that has a little less use of tissue attached to it. I say a little less, because this one almost won the above mentioned category. I mean, I stated I was marked safe from Chapter 17, but will I really ever be? No, no I will not.
Runaway Bride and Prejudice by Emma St. Clair, however, also made me laugh out loud while reading it. Those hockey boys sure get up to some antics, and we are all here for it. Prepare to smile, roll your eyes, and fall even more in love with them.
The Twist I Didn't See Coming
Perhaps its because I have never seen the movie Die Hard, (does that even have spies in it?) but I never associated spies with Christmas. However, after reading, Later On We'll Conspire by Kortney Keisel, I'm thinking that maybe they should make more of an appearance during this festive season.
Later On We'll Conspire has all of the things we love in Keisel's books: humor, a charming MMC, and great banter. But it also has the twist of all twists. I was stunned I tell, you stunned, when it all came together. Hold on to your hats, people, because this one is a wild ride.
Playlist I Had On Repeat
A playlist is, of course, not a requirement to make a fantastic book. However, it is something I do with my own books, so I do enjoy when an author blesses us with one. Kortney Keisel does this for each of her works, and I almost always find a new favorite song to put on repeat.
The Holiday Stand-In blew it out of the water, though. So many of the songs from that playlist made into my own, "Top Songs of the Year", playlist. They were so, so good. And they fit the story perfectly, which is also incredible, by the way. Seriously, don't just judge the book by it's playlist. Pick it up!
The Ones That Created a Home
This category contains the word, "ones", because I cheated and really couldn't pick just one series. It is amazing to me how authors can create a setting that feels so much like home, you just want to pick up and live there.
And I pretty much did, with these three. When life was hard, I sought solace in Harvest Hollow, Silver Creek, and Charlotte Oaks, letting the comforts of those places carry me away from my own troubles. I promise, reading Appies Hockey Romance by Emma St. Clair and Jenny Proctor, How To Kiss a Hawthorne Brother by Jenny Proctor, or Love in Charlotte Oaks by Jess Mastorakos will allow you a breath of fresh air in a new place that feels like home. Pick a series and be ready to move.
The One That Made Me Feel Seen
When I explained the plot of this book to my mom, she stated, "Oh, so it's about you."
Which, is fair. And true. And, incredibly comforting. Because, it's nice to know that even in a fictional world, there is someone like me out there.
In, Write What You Know by Jess Mastorakos, Aurora is a romance author who has never had a romance herself. Are we seeing the resemblance? In many books you can see aspects of yourself, but when an author nails what you are going through so perfectly, it heals a little part of you that you didn't realize was broken.
Fasted Read
Novellas are supposed to be read in one sitting, right? Technically, I believe I read this one in two sittings, but it was still in a twenty-four hour period, so 🤷♀️
The premise of Rent Yourself an Elf by Savannah Scott is such a cute one, and the best part? It’s a novella series! Each year we get a sweet little holiday bite, and after reading the sequel, Catch Yourself A Snowmance, I am so excited to see what the rest of the books have in store!
Best Heroic Saves
Since I was a child, I have consistently dreamed of a man on a white horse coming to save the day. And although I have yet to see it happen in real life, in Julie Christianson’s books, I can often live out the fantasy.
That Time I Kissed My Beachfront Boss and That Time We Kissed Under the Mistletoe both have swoon worthy heroic moments that make you fall even more in love with the MMCs. So, if you are still waiting on your own superhero, I’d recommended either of these books.
The One That Healed Me
What can I say, I’m a big fan of the Appies 🤷♀️ However, A Groom of Ones Own by Emma St. Clair will always hold a special place in my heart. It was there for me in a really difficult spot this year. The support it gave me will always be tied to the memory of this book. I am so grateful for it.
Cheesy, I know. But true. But, it’s also an incredible St. Clair read that one will enjoy even if they are not going through a trying experience 😂
So, there is my, "Who's Who" of 2024. But don’t think this is a complete list of all of my 2024 reads. It’s not even close 😂
I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did. And, if you pick up any of my suggestions, please, let me know what you think! I always love a good book chat.
Happy Reading in 2025!