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Negatvie (N)ellie

Four years.

For almost four years, I have been documenting and scripting my various bouts of crying, whining, and complaining for all to see. It’s been almost four years of my mother pity-laughing at my jokes, swearing the tears are completely and utterly real. Four years of desperately searching for life lessons in dog throw up, difficult runs, and unwanted trials. Four years, and one dedicated fan for each of them.

Just imagine the impact I have made.

Never did I think I would be a person to record the highs and lows of her incredibly boring life, hoping that they would bring some ounce of comfort, or maybe just a good laugh, to a person in need. However, if we reference back to the very small number of readers, the accomplishment not only seems a lot less awe-inspiring, but also a lot more achievable 😂.

I am so, so grateful to this blog. This space has become my thought process, my journal, my place to scream and vent and work through the various curveballs this roller coaster we call life throws at us. I cannot count the number of times typing my thoughts out on to a page has shown me the love of my Savior, the love of my Father in Heaven, their perfect, impeccable planning for me, and, just how much of a drama queen I can be.

Honestly, I should be bumping up the fan count to five, because I am this blog's biggest fan.

I am also its biggest critic and heckler, but that is a topic for another day.

As the proud owner of the title of Negative (N)ellie's Biggest Fan, I took it upon myself to scrounge through the millions of posts and select the best and the brightest. The ones that will make you laugh the most, cry the most, and perhaps, if we are very, very lucky, teach you something.

So, to readers young and old, family and stranger, old or new, (don't give me that look, it could happen!) I present to you, the Negative (N)ellie Blog Tag.

1. The Longest: REDO TESTIMONY

This was one of the first blog posts that came to mind when I was deliberating between my proudest post selections. Determined to write something else the week this blog came to being, the Spirit had much bigger, better, scarier plans in mind, ones that I am so grateful I tagged along for. These words, these declarations, these truths, came straight from the Spirit. They are facts that cannot be changed, and phrases I turn to often when the world feels particularly heavy. It is my vulnerable, heartfelt testimony of Christ, and one that I hope helps to strengthen your own.

2. The Shortest: A LETTER TO SUMMER 2018

I cannot lie, I kind of forgot this one existed. (That Germany loss created quite the mental block, didn't it?) However, that in no way negates its place on the list. Looking past the grammar that makes me cringe, the gif game is on point, and the memories the words invoked brought an immediate smile to my face. Despite the losses and the hills, I still have to say thank you to the Summer of 2018.


I mean, clearly, it's all right there in the title. Could I really have selected anything else to be the funniest blog post? I mean sure, the contender pool was filled to the brim, practically overflowing, but anything involving Lulu has to take the cake. Seriously, come rain, sleet, snow, or hail, this blog is guaranteed to bring a lip cracking smile to your face. And gratitude, just so much gratitude, that you are not the owner of a basset hound.


Again, this category created quite the predicament, containing more options than even "The Funniest" group. Again, with very few readers, it is not exactly difficult for me to be vulnerable and open with not only my trials, but also my failures and theatrical embarrassments. However, this blog, this blog was not one that invoked pride for it's transparent quality or the bravery of the writer. No, I am most proud of this blog, because I feel it would have made him the most proud. My sweet Grandpa J would be so proud, so grateful to know, that his parting gift to his girl before he left this world, was an unshakeable testimony. A firm knowledge that not only are the promises that Christ provides after this life beautiful, but real. Oh, so real. Without a doubt, I know I will see him again, and that is a knowledge I want to share with everyone.


Ok, so the victor of this particular category might be a little misleading. I would not exactly constitute this as my saddest blog, because we all know there are some doozies in that category. However, this is the blog that makes me the most sad, or perhaps the most bittersweet. Many of the blogs written over the past four years were written while I worked at the best job on planet earth, (that's right, be jealous.) a dream that ended far too early at the beginning of this year. Oh, how I miss my incredible coworkers, our hilarious clients, and perhaps even decorating four thousand Christmas trees. I miss it all, and I am so grateful that so many of the antics were recorded here.

I lied. I don't miss decorating the Christmas trees. Just the idea of decorating Christmas trees. Big difference.


One never forgets their first time seeing Def Leppard. Going to concerts are some of the best memories I have with my father, but seeing Journey and Def Leppard together? It doesn't get any better than that. My concert quota has forever been fulfilled, because there will never be one to supersede this one. It just cannot be beat.

7. The Most Creative: SONGS OF MY LIFE

Ok, so maybe I haven't accomplished all I thought I would by the age of twenty-five, and maybe my seventeen year old self would be slightly embarrassed by her adult self. However, lots of other people had many successful achievements during that quarter of a century, including making a soundtrack to my life. This blog was so fun to write, and made me incredibly grateful that my music tastes have elevated slightly over the years.


Far and away, this post was one of the ones I had the most fun writing. (apparently, the mental block does not extend this far.) The gifs, the pure excitement, the poetry, the sheer irony that Germany went out just one week after posting this. This blog manages the monumental task of being fun for one and all.

So, here are the shining stars of Confessions of A Negative (N)ellie. I hope you had as much fun walking down memory lane as I did, or, perhaps a brand new lane, if you are a recent reader. (once again, it could happen.)

Thank you, again, for all your continued support and love. It truly does mean the world to me. Cannot wait to see what gems come out in year five!


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