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Negatvie (N)ellie

In case you managed to miss the overwhelmingly gloomy, murmur-ridden posts I have released over the past few months, here is a quick update: Life has been really kicking my tail! But, you know what? That’s ok. There are moments and instances in this journey that, let’s just face it, really stink. However, that doesn’t mean that our entire life stinks. That doesn’t mean that there will never be good again. That doesn’t mean we can’t find joy in the hard. That doesn’t mean that laughter can’t abound. That doesn’t mean we can’t feel the Lord’s love for us, again, and again, and again. We can. Oh, we so can.

A few days ago, I penned this heartfelt, soul-revealing blog, one that I had planned to release at the end of this week. The ultimate purpose of my bleeding on paper was to share an answer I had received from the Lord. Should have been an uplifting message, right?

Wrong! Me being who I am, with talent in negativity that can only astound, I managed to paint the tender mercy I had received in an overcast hues, my horrible attitude blockading the Lord’s rays of hope, restricting the powerful effect they could have on myself, and others.

Why? Why do I do that? Why is my line of sight always drawn to the mistakes and the groans of life, instead of the everyday joys that constantly encircle me?

Unfortunately, that particular thread appears to be a little too knotted to untangle and unpack in a five minute blog post.🤪 The journey to change my ingrained habits of negativity and melodrama will be a long, hard-fought battle, however, it begins with just a single step.

So, despite the stress that comes from forgoing my well thought out plans, I am tucking the above-mentioned post away for safekeeping, only to return to it when I can create the proper stage for it to shine.

So, pray tell, Negative (N)ellie, what delicious bites of positivity are you going to provide us with today? Well, beloved reader, I’m glad you asked! Listed below are some of the things that are currently trending in my life. Despite the dark clouds that seem to have taken up permanent residence in my sky, each of these gems has resembled stalwart stars, happy to cut through the fog and despair to bring me a saving moment of joy.

I hope that not only do my recommendations provide you with a bright spot in whatever trial you may face, but I also hope that you take the time to discover what is currently trending in your life. Just the process of looking for the little moments of happy in my life was able to miraculously flip my frown upside down, reminding me that I have endless reasons to look for the positive. I know that it will do the same for you.

Currently Trending

Listening: Dosage-Collective Soul

This is the only perfect album I have ever discovered, ever. It takes all of the cakes.

Reading: The Michael Vey Series by Richard Paul Evans

Electric powers, major sass, and a clean read? What's not to love?

Pondering: Mosiah 15:16

“And again, how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those that are still publishing peace!“

This verse was the stern reprimanding I so desperately needed. How beautiful are the feet of those that choose peace, that publish peace, that seek out peace, despite the trials that swirl around them?

Relaxing: Writing

I have been writing more in the past seven months than I ever have before, and it has truly been a saving grace throughout my turbulent seas. There is just something so therapeutic about letting loose on the page, allowing your creativity and emotions to flow, happily taken aback by shock when you discover what your made doesn’t totally stink. 😂

Laughing: Chats with my Cousin

Little did she know how desperately I needed that phone call Monday evening, the laughter that came some of the sweetest I have experienced in months.

Watching: BYU Football

I'll admit, the success of the BYU Football team kind of snuck up on me this year, but I am here for it now! Go Cougs!

Praying: Gratitude Prayers

As was mentioned in my previous post, I've recently been dedicating my morning prayers solely to thanking the Lord, and just that subtle switch has brought so much peace to my heart. I can only imagine the Lord looking down from above, the sight of a sleepy-haired girl thanking Him for reading and Mastiff cuddles bringing booming chuckles to His lips. However, taking the time to thank the Lord has made my relationship with Him all the more personal, reminding me that He is happy to hear about whatever brings me happiness.

1 Comment

Nov 21, 2020

Hey ellie! Hope your doing better. I honestly dont mind the dark gloomy posts you are describing, as people say, you are "keeping it real" haha. I think thats better than just happy posts all the time, because thats not how life is. I too am struggling, but I know God will never leave me. Thanks for the painting you told me about, I have seen pictures like that of Jesus picking up peter, made it my phone wallpaper now hehe. As for myself, I found myself in an unexpected situation.

Late at night I was thinking about volunteering at church, I was only thinking about cleaning chairs and floors, because I'm not good at being social lol. Well what…


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