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Negatvie (N)ellie

Updated: Mar 13, 2020

Do you ever put off things you know you need to work on? Not just like chores around the house, but areas of your character that you know could use some improvement? No, just me? Well, for whatever reason, whether it be laziness, business, or just down right dread, I had kind of put off bettering an aspect of my life: Keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Now, I wouldn’t say that I kept the Sabbath Day unholy, but there was definite room for improvement. However, each time our leaders and prophets encouraged us to participate in reverent, Christ-centered activities on Sunday, I pushed it to the side, deciding I was good enough for now.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, the Lord decided my “now” was over. With the help of a very stressful situation, I was able to strengthen my testimony in trusting the Lord and His promptings, and improve my Sabbath Day experience. Two birds, one stone, let’s set the scene 😉

February 2, 2020

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning in New Mexico, and my mind is racing a million miles a minute. Isn’t that the norm, you might say? While that statement is very true, with the dreaded week of Valentines a mere eight days away, my mind decided to kick the worry up a notch. Now, I know what you are thinking, “Hahahaha, Ellie hates Valentines Day because she is single. If she would move her butt out of South Eastern New Mexico, she would find a man and no longer dread the 14th”. Well, sirs and ma’ams, I am here to tell you that you are W-R-O-N-G. First off, I am more than happy to continue patiently waiting on my German Soccer Player (he WILL come 😉). Secondly, the reason I was not particularly excited about the week of Valentines was because I maaayyy have overpacked it. Not only would I be helping my mom at her job, the local flower shop, but I had also set up two dog sitting gigs within that time frame.

With the extra work hours, plus managing all of my other obligations, I was a little nervous about how I was going to make it through the week alive. To prepare and be on top of things, I decided to make a bunch of freezer meals the week before, so that during the Week-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, I would have one less thing to think about. So, instead of worrying about it during that terrible week, I was pregaming, and doing my worrying on the sunny Sunday morning of February 2nd.

As I knelt down to pray, with thoughts of freezer meals racing through my mind, I was hit with a stressful, scary thought.

“Do not make the waffles today”

Can’t you just feel the weight of that statement? In my carefully formulated schedule for food preparation, waffles were on the agenda for that Sunday afternoon. Although I had felt pretty confident in my plan when I crafted it, I suddenly could not deny that my Sunday needed to be filled with different activities. Studying my scriptures, doing some service, spending time with my family, all great activities that would help bring me closer to the Lord. Despite the dread in my stomach, I decided to follow the prompting I had received, and put off making the waffles until later in the week.

The rest of my Sunday was spent with my family, making salad jars for my dad, and talking to The Stinker on the phone. As I thoroughly enjoyed my Sunday afternoon, I knew in my heart I had made the right decision. That is until, the next day, when at least six more balls were added to the ones I was already juggling. The joy and peace I had felt in my heart quickly turned to anger. Why in the world did I put off making the waffles? Now I had even less time to prepare all my meals for the Week-Of-Doom.

Feeling completely overwhelmed, I filled every spare moment I had with meal prep. However, I still went to bed Monday night feeling defeated, knowing there was no way I would be able to get everything completed. My fears were not for naught. On my own, I would have had no hope in completing my tasks. However, with the Lord’s help, there was no way I could fail.

Tuesday, February 4th

I woke up to a sight I had not seen in quite a long time: snow in New Mexico! Now, most days I would have been thrilled at such a sight! However, my stress was eating me alive, so my sole focus was checking items off of my list. Plus, New Mexico snow does not tend to last very long, so I figured it wouldn’t have that much of an impact on me. Boy, was I wrong! The snow not only lingered, but completely cleared my schedule at work. I was gifted not one, but two free afternoons to get all of my preparations done. I hate to break it to everyone in my little town, but that snowstorm was a gift from Heavenly Father sent directly to me 😊

Y’all, I went from having no time at all, to extra time with which to do as I pleased.

As I sat down, exhausted, but in awe of the Lord’s power, I could not help but be overcome by His love for me. He loved little ole’ me enough to send a SNOWSTORM to NEW MEXICO, just to help me rid my body of stress. Like, how could you not see God’s hand in that? It was such a little moment to Him, but for me, it was huge.

The week before the Week-Of-Misery, I learned not only how much my Heavenly Father loves me, but I also how amazing obedience is. Following the promptings of the Lord and our leaders can be scary and uncomfortable sometimes! However, as we trust in the Lord, and do as He asks of us, He will never let us down. We have no need to fear, His plans are foolproof. When it appears as if there is no way things will succeed, He swoops in with the most unexpected victories. The experiences we gain from obedience will deepen the knowledge we have of His love for us. Bonus, the sometimes difficult requests He has for us? ALWAYS for our good. I was able to have a an enjoyable, spiritual, restful Sunday, and miraculously get all of my work done that week, thanks to snow in New Mexico. If the parable of the waffles cannot convince you to trust in the Lord, than I don’t know what will 😉


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