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Negatvie (N)ellie

It is a well known fact here in the world of Negative (N)ellie that one basset hound reigns supreme as my nemesis. Proudly, she claims her title of smelliest, sneakiest, and most vengeful dog my family has, and will ever own. Her tiara casts dazzling lights across the floor, just as her hate-filled eyes bore into your soul.

However, there is another who is painstakingly working to insure that her own throne will never be stolen from beneath her large, claw-tipped paws. From time to time she may rival Lulu in the competition for the worst aroma, but her true power shines through in her constant whines and her perpetual fear.

That’s right, it’s time to share the love. Sadie Grace, the blinding spotlight of Negative (N)ellie is now placed on you. Enjoy it while it lasts.

In order to completely appreciate the lessons we will learn at the foot of the Mastiff, we must first begin with a quick character profile.

Sadie Grace

  • 165+ pounds, but is convinced she is a lap dog.

  • Worst guard dog ever. Is it a tractor? Is it a bird flying by? Is the wind blowing the grass? You’ll never quite be sure, as the watch dog's alarm bells all sound the same.

  • Somehow has obtained a worst posture than my own.

  • Uses her adorable features to beguile unsuspecting victims into supplying her with her favorite treats, which include the ends of burritos, pieces of steak, and gummy candies.

  • Despises the game Peek-A-Boo, and will alert you of her displeasure with high pitched squeals.

  • My father’s favorite child.

  • Has a water bowl that she has dedicated as her own, and refuses to drink out of the one that sits two inches beside it.

  • Marks those she loves with strings of slobber, streaks of mud, and bits of mashed dog food that she was holding hostage in her cheek as a snack for later.

Although there are many more attributes that make up the complex personality of one Miss. Sadie Grace, I feel confident that the qualities listed help to paint an incredibly accurate picture of the largest brat who runs out home.

However, there is one specific quirk of Sadie Grace, one I am told that is typical of her breed, that continues to astound and impress me.

Sheer Stubbornness.

Never in my life have I met an animal not only so sure of what she wants, but imbedded with the incomparable patience to see that she always gets it.

One cannot deny the beady eyes that hold your own hostage, quietly pleading for a space on the couch. Only a monster would pass by the pooch who has been sitting by the water bowl for who knows how long, silently petitioning her loved ones to pour some water into the correct bowl. World records have been set in the combined dedication and time span with which she rips a squeaky toy to shreds, the demolished remnants no longer holding any allure when the horrendous noise has been subdued.

There are many, many things that irritate me about Sadie Grace, but I’ll give her this, she goes after what she wants. She oozes persistence and patience. Perhaps her powers in persuasion and negotiations could be used to better the world, but her snores that are currently vibrating up through my thigh lead me to believe we will never see that accomplishment in our lifetime.

The world will just have to accept the gift of the life lesson she has bestowed upon me, instead.

Last week was R-O-U-G-H. When it finally reached completion, and I was able to reflect back on the journal entries I had made each night, I was shocked to find that some of the lows had transpired just days before. Surely, after the constant battle against the tides, more time had passed, more progress had been made.

At first, I became discouraged upon discovery of how little time had elapsed, especially when I looked back on the few success that had occurred. Analyzing each day, it seemed to me if I had truly just made it through. No growth had occurred from the trials, the complaints had been many, and I could find no benchmark that made me secure the hardship would soon reach its end. If anything, it felt that my foes had gained the ground this week, leaving me pressed against the wall and gasping for air.

In the quiet, contemplative thoughts of Sunday Morning, a comforting whisper came to my mind.

You made it through, and that is enough.

In that moment, as I often do in my self-critical analyzations, I was overcome by the Lord’s love for me. Through His eternal lens, I was able to view the failures of the past seven days in an incredibly different light.

Though my trials seemed overwhelming this week, they never truly were. I made it through! I came out alive, and although I cannot see the blessings that stemmed from this trial, I know without a doubt they will appear.

Though there were times when I seriously doubted the Lord’s love and care for me, I never let those thoughts completely shake my faith. I continued to pray, I continued to study, I continued to trust that the Lord’s rewards for my obedience would ring loud and true. (Which, of course they did, as they always do.)

Though I spent most of the week wallowing in self pity, whining to anyone who would listen, including one Sadie Grace, I managed to sometimes step out of myself. I found areas to serve, ways to uplift, and even times just to enjoy another’s company, which in turn helped me to forget my troubles, even if just for a moment.

Now, if you’ve made it this far, I’m sure you are wondering: What does Princess Sadie Grace have to do with this?

Have no fear, this lengthy post is well on its way to wrapping itself up.

Sadie Grace is known through out the land for her stubborn tenacity. For what surely appears to be hours to her, she waits patiently to receive what she is rightfully due. Rarely have I seen her give up before the battle is won, and the victorious grin on her face upon her triumph lights up the room.

Looking at my week through the eyes of Sadie Grace, I am surprisingly proud to be able to compare my level of stubbornness with her own. Though it is obvious that she will forever hold a massive superiority over me in this department, I‘d like to think that this week I may have given her a run for her money.

Through sheer willpower, I held on through one of my toughest week. Each day, I chose faith, believing with my heart and soul that at some point, it had to get better. At some point my pleas had to be heard, and at some point I would be rewarded for my effort.

And you know what? I was.

Sitting here, typing this, I can honestly say I am looking forward to this week with a beautiful pair of rose-colored glasses. No longer am I fearful that the trials of the previous week will follow me. No doubt they probably will, but they no longer hold such power over me.

This is due in part, to just making it through. To proving to myself that I am strong enough to weather the storms, clinging fast to my testimony throughout the entirety, even when it sometimes hard to remember the truths I hold claim to. To recognizing that the Savior heard each of my prayers, and He carried my heavy load with me every step of the way. To the past experiences that have taught me that this trial will prove fruitful, and I will forever treasure the lessons I have learned. And finally, to the peace that had come with even just the slightest ebb of the tides, the shakiest intake of breath, that makes me confident the pressure will continue to ease.

There is something to be said for continued persistence, for holding strong even when the thunder rolls and the lightening strikes. No matter how many humans pass by without noticing her slouching form by the water dish, Sadie Grace never gives up. She never loses hope that someone will come to her aid, her efforts will be worth it, and she'll have claim upon her rightful reward. It will not always come exactly in the time frame she wants, or she maybe forced to drink out of the dreaded right bowl, but she will receive exactly what she needs.

How much more can we trust in Heavenly Father? How much more confidence can we have that if we just hang on, we will receive exactly what we need? It may not always be when we want, and it may not even be the answer or blessing we wanted! However we will never be short changed when it comes to the Lord. He always provides us with exactly what we need, and it will always be better than what we could have imagined for ourselves.

The trial will end, the answer will come, and the peace will be so sweet. Learn from the Mastiff’s example, and remember that just hanging on and making it through is victory enough. Persistence is the key that can unlock the sweetest of blessings, if we are just willing to see it through.


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