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Negatvie (N)ellie

“Wait, you’re in a Family Ward?”

I was taken aback by this person’s question. Because, honestly? After twenty-nine years of life, I’d forgotten that Young Single Adult Wards even existed 😂 In my defense, I’ve only spent one of those twenty-nine years outside of a Family Ward. I deserve a little bit of slack.

For those not of our faith, the difference between a Family Ward and a Young Single Adult Ward is in the names. Each is a church congregation made up of people in a geographical location, but one (normally in large, college towns) contains young single adults only. This allows the members of that congregation to mingle, serve, and connect with people their own age, and, as one can guess, supplies more dating opportunities.

Because, as would be expected, there are not as many dating opportunities in a congregation made up of families both old and young. A young, single adult is not normally found in a Family Ward.

Unless you are this girl 😉

As stated earlier, I did attend a YSA Ward when I was at BYU…and did not enjoy it a ton. Maybe it’s because I was young and insecure, not feeling like I really fit in with my peers. Maybe it was because I really missed home. Honestly? I think it was the silence. The lack of babies giggling, or even crying, was deafening. Not. A. Fan.

But, over the years, I have come to appreciate my Family Wards even more. Both hold a very special place in my heart. However, the one I am currently attending? They caught me at an odd time in my life, and I can honestly say they have been my saving grace, the Savior’s hands, when I needed it most.

And I don’t know, lately, I’ve been feeling like I need to honor that. My ward deserves to know how much they mean to me, how much they’ve done for me.

So, without further ado: WHY THIS YSA LOVES HER FAMILY WARD

The Children

Ok, I know I’m biased, because I serve in the Primary, but guys? I don’t know what I would do without those kids in my life. They brighten my days, they make me giggle, they impress me with their testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They have made me a better person, tenfold.

I’m especially grateful to the families that are willing to share their children with me. Some of them have basically adopted me. Who knew so many families were looking for a twenty-nine-year-old to add to their brood? 🤷‍♀️

Do you know how wonderful it is, when on a hard day, you get to spent the meeting playing tic-tac-toe with someone’s child? Or, be given temporary, marker tattoos while listening to messages about the Savior? (Turns out, this paper-pale skin was good for something besides nicknames in high school 😂) Or, be bombarded with hugs from little tiny hands when you need it the most? Or, get to be reminded how fun it is to race down the hall, even if it isn’t the most reverent?

If I'm being vulnerable, this past Mother’s Day was difficult for me. I’ve always known that someday I wanted a family of my own, and I was perfectly content to wait until that day came. However, watching those children get up and sing a sweet song about their mothers got me good.

One of my friends passed me her baby to hold for a minute, perhaps thinking I was serving her, but it could not have been anything but the other way around. As if sensing how I was feeling, that little girl curled up in my arms, allowed me to rock her, and fell asleep. That instant turned a hard moment into a treasured one, and reminded me that not only does my Heavenly Father see me, but my ward sees me, too. Because, I assure you, that is not the only time, place, opportunity, or friend, that has blessed me with a chance to snuggle a baby, and it won’t be the last.

I Have a Place

It can be painful, attending a church that teaches so much on the importance of families, (Rightfully so, as the family is essential to God’s plan of happineess.) when you do not have one of your own. But, not for me. And that is not at all because I am special and extra tough. I have the lowest pain tolerance of them all.

No, it is not hard for me because of my Family Ward. They put the emphasis in Family Ward, by not only making me part of this family, but reminding me I have a role in it. Not once have I felt out of place or isolated. I am involved in it all, from the Halloween Parties, to Baptisms, to being the narrator for the Christmas Story. (And Santa’s Elf, one time) Even in councils where I am often the youngest one there, my thoughts and opinions have merit to my fellow members.

My ward has helped to feel valued, to understand and know that I am needed. That my service is important, and that they are grateful for it. During a season of my life when I could have felt very out of place, they showed me I fit right in.

There’s No Place Like Home

Any person who has read this blog long enough knows that the last few years have carried some trials for me. There are some who suffer in silence, but I am not one of those people. When I think something sucks, everyone is going to hear about it.

However, in the moments where I felt I couldn’t go on, I knew if I could just make it to church, I would be ok. That doing so would fill me up and give me the strength to keep going. Because, these are my people. From the smallest child to the wisest elder, I know I am loved and cared about and sought after.

Sometimes, it can get a little meddling. The old and young alike are often seeking out a companion for me. However, it is evident that it always comes from love. Even if that love is sometimes manifested in the phrase, “Uh-oh, here comes trouble!”, when I come clacking down the hall in my heels.

Recently, I was reminded just how much of a home my ward really is. While waiting for the meeting to start, a man I admire and respect leaned forward and tapped me on the shoulder. As I turned around to face him, he whispered, “You inspire me. I’ve seen your loyalty to God, and I am proud of you.”

You better believe I was holding back tears.

He could not have known how much I needed those words, that day. Or, maybe he did, since it was obvious he was following the Spirit’s promptings. Instantly, it was like my grandfather was sitting beside me, saying those words. And just as quickly, it was confirmed to me that I am right where I need to be.

So, isn’t it obvious? Why I wouldn’t give up my Family Ward for the world? Why I am so blessed to call them mine? Why they are going to have to kick me out if they ever actually expect me to get married? 😂

I’m so, so blessed to be a YSA in this Family Ward.


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